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SJM Environmental, safety and health Policy


SJM is committed to protecting the safety and health of executives and employees and preserving the environment by making environmental, Safety and Health the top values of management.

ESH Management

  • 1) Compliance with relevant laws and continuous improvement

    In compliance with the standards required by the ESH Act, continuous improvement activities are promoted to create safe and healthy businesses, reduce environmental pollution and energy emissions.

  • 2) Realization of ESH value through proactive activities

    Through accumulated technology and innovative thinking, potential hazards are eliminated in advance to create a safe and clean environment.

  • 3) Management activities that double the value of respecting life and environmental protection

    It shall conduct management activities that can double the value of contributing to the company and society by considering safety, health, and environment as the top priority as major elements of management activities, such as the development, design, production and disposal of products.

  • 4) Forming consensus and voluntary participation

    It promotes safety, health and environmental awareness through education, training, etc. in which all members actively participate. Enterprises accompanying customers, business partners, local communities, etc. shall be pursued by faithfully performing their duties.

Basic principles of ESH culture

  • Recognize ESH Value as a core value for all operations

  • Establish ESH working posture and comply with ESH System and Process

  • Create a healthy, safe and clean workplace (Perfect Clean Site

Status of greenhouse gas emissions (Unit : TCO2-eq)